Spell Checking

By loading an instance of the HunspellTextAnalyzer class from the dictionary and affix files, the Spell method can be used to check whether a given word is spelled correctly - eg. bike (correct) and bikr (incorrect):

@using System.Web.Hosting
@using Skybrud.TextAnalysis.Hunspell

    // Map the path to the dictionary and affix files
    string dic = HostingEnvironment.MapPath("~/App_Data/Hunspell/en-US.dic");
    string aff = HostingEnvironment.MapPath("~/App_Data/Hunspell/en-US.aff");

    // Load a new text analyzer (Hunspell wrapper)
    HunspellTextAnalyzer analyzer = HunspellTextAnalyzer.CreateFromFiles(dic, aff);

    // Is "bike" spelled correctly?
    bool spell1 = analyzer.Spell("bike");

    // Is "bikr" spelled correctly?
    bool spell2 = analyzer.Spell("bikr");


Loading different dictionaries determine whether a given word is spelled correctly, according to the language/culture a specific dictionary represents. Even loading either en-US.dic or en-GB.dic can change whether color and colour are spelled correctly.