KmlPoint Class

Version 1.0.0-beta002
.NET Framework 4.7
Namespace Skybrud.Essentials.Maps.Kml.Geometry
Assembly Skybrud.Essentials.Maps.dll
Visibility Public

A geographic location defined by longitude, latitude, and (optional) altitude. When a KmlPoint is contained by a !:KmlPlacemark, the point itself determines the position of the !:KmlPlacemark's name and icon.

When a KmlPoint is extruded, it is connected to the ground with a line. This "tether" uses the current !:KmlLineStyle..

public class KmlPoint : KmlGeometry { }


Type Name Summary
bool Extrude

Specifies whether to connect the point to the ground with a line. To extrude a point, the value for KmlPoint.AltitudeMode must be either relativeToGround, relativeToSeaFloor, or absolute. The point is extruded toward the center of the Earth's sphere.

KmlAltitudeMode AltitudeMode

Specifies how altitude components in the KmlPoint.Coordinates element are interpreted.

KmlPointCoordinates Coordinates

A single tuple consisting of floating point values for longitude, latitude, and altitude (in that order). Longitude and latitude values are in degrees, where:

  • longitude >= −180 and <= 180
  • latitude >= −90 and <= 90
  • altitude values (optional) are in meters above sea level
String Id (inherited from KmlGeometry)