Property editor

The link picker (both single and multi) saves a list of link picker items. Technically the single link picker is a multi link picker, but limited to one item.

The link picker can be configured to be shown as either a standard unordered list (default):


Or as a table:


To get a list of link picker items, you could simply use GetPropertyValue as you're used to:

LinkPickerList linkPickerList1 = Model.GetPropertyValue("multiLinkPicker") as LinkPickerList;

or using generics:

LinkPickerList linkPickerList2 = Model.GetPropertyValue<LinkPickerList>("multiLinkPicker");

The package also comes with two extension methods - one for getting the list of link picker items like above:

LinkPickerList linkPickerList3 = Model.GetLinkPickerList("multiLinkPicker");

or for getting a single link picker item:

LinkPickerItem linkPickerItem1 = Model.GetLinkPickerItem("singleLinkPicker");

The GetLinkPickerItem method will simply return the first item of a link picker list, or an empty link item if the list is empty.

To summary what's mentioned above, have a look at the Razor example below (which has the proper imports etc.):

@using Skybrud.LinkPicker
@using Skybrud.LinkPicker.Extensions
@inherits UmbracoViewPage<IPublishedContent>


    // Using either a regular cast or a safe cast
    LinkPickerList linkPickerList1 = Model.GetPropertyValue("multiLinkPicker") as LinkPickerList;
    // Using Umbraco and generics
    LinkPickerList linkPickerList2 = Model.GetPropertyValue<LinkPickerList>("multiLinkPicker");

    // Using the build-in extension method
    LinkPickerList linkPickerList3 = Model.GetLinkPickerList("multiLinkPicker");

    // Using the build-in extension method
    LinkPickerItem linkPickerItem1 = Model.GetLinkPickerItem("singleLinkPicker");

While the array of items can be accessed through the Items property, there is also a HasItems property for checking whether the list has any items.

If enabled (through the prevalue options), the property editor also supports specifying a title - eg. if the links are to be shown in a box or similar.

The title can be accessed through the Title property of a LinkPickerList instance. Also there is a HasTitle property for checking whether a title has been specified.