LocationHelper Class

Version 1.1.28
.NET Framework 4.8
This class has been marked as obsolete: Use the LocationUtils class instead.
Namespace Skybrud.Essentials.Locations
Assembly Skybrud.Essentials.dll
Visibility Public
Keywords Static
Inheritance Object

Static utility class with helper methods related to locations.

[Obsolete("Use the LocationUtils class instead.")]
public static class LocationHelper { }


Type Name Value Summary
double EarthEquatorialRadiusMeters 6378136.6

Gets the equatorial radius of Earth (in meters).

Notice: When comparing with various online services, they seem to use 6378137 meters for the equatorial radius of Earth, while 6378136.6 meters for the equatorial radius is more precise.


Calculates the distance in meters between two GPS locations.

Calculates the distance in meters between two GPS locations.