Rectangle Class

Version 1.0.0-beta002
.NET Framework 4.7
Namespace Skybrud.Essentials.Maps.Geometry.Shapes
Assembly Skybrud.Essentials.Maps.dll
Visibility Public
Interfaces IRectangle, IShape, IGeometry
Inheritance Object

Clas representing a retangle.

public class Rectangle : IRectangle, IShape, IGeometry { }


Type Name Summary
IPoint SouthWest

Gets or sets the south west point.

IPoint NorthEast

Gets or sets the north east point.

Double North
Double East
Double South
Double West
IPoint SouthEast
IPoint NorthWest


Returns whether the rectangle contains the point at the specified latitude and longitude.

Contains(IPoint) (virtual)

Returns whether the rectangle contains point.

GetArea() (virtual)

Returns the area of the rectangle in square metres.

Returns the area of the rectangle in square metres.

GetBoundingBox() (virtual)

Returns an instance of IRectangle representing the bounding box of the rectangle.

GetCenter() (virtual)

Returns an instance of IPoint representing the center of the rectangle.

GetCircumference() (virtual)

Returns the circumference of the rectangle in metres.