GeoJsonMultiPoint Class

Version 1.0.0-beta002
.NET Framework 4.7
Namespace Skybrud.Essentials.Maps.GeoJson.Geometry
Assembly Skybrud.Essentials.Maps.dll
Visibility Public
Interfaces IEnumerable<T>, IEnumerable

Class representing a GeoJSON MultiPoint geometry.

public class GeoJsonMultiPoint : GeoJsonGeometry, IEnumerable<T>, IEnumerable { }


Type Name Summary
int Count

Gets the amount of points in the geometry.

GeoJsonType Type (inherited from GeoJsonObject)

Gets the type of the object - eg. Feature.


Adds a new point with the specified x and y coordinates.

Adds the specified point.

Adds the specified point.

Removes all points.

GetEnumerator() (virtual)

Returns an enumerator that iterates through the underlying List<T>.

Load(string) (static)

Loads and parses the feature at the specified path into an instance of GeoJsonMultiPoint.

Parse(string) (static)

Parses the specified json string into an instance of GeoJsonMultiPoint.

Parse(JObject) (static)

Parses the specified json object into an instance of GeoJsonMultiPoint.

Removes the specified point.

Inherited from GeoJsonObject

Save(string) (virtual)

Saves a JSON representation of this instance to the specified path.

Saves a JSON representation of this instance to the specified path.

Returns a JSON representation of this instance.

Returns a JSON representation of this instance.