[![GitHub license](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-blue.svg)](LICENSE.md) [![NuGet](https://img.shields.io/nuget/vpre/Skybrud.Umbraco.Redirects.svg)](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Skybrud.Umbraco.Redirects) [![NuGet](https://img.shields.io/nuget/dt/Skybrud.Umbraco.Redirects.svg)](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Skybrud.Umbraco.Redirects) **Skybrud.Umbraco.Redirects** is a redirects manager for Umbraco. The package features a dashboard and property editor that let's users manage inbound redirects from within the Umbraco backoffice. URLs can be added to redirect to either a content item, media item or a custom URL. ## Features - Global dashboard for listing all redirects. Supports filtering and searching. - Property editor that can be added to either a content item or media item to show inbound redirects - Package only handles custom redirects - eg. added manually by an editor. The package will let Umbraco handle redirects for renamed and moved pages - Includes an `IRedirectsService` for managing the redirects from your own code